News: This Really Is the Coolest Cooler Ever

This Really Is the Coolest Cooler Ever

I honestly believe that everyone on earth owns the same blue cooler—you know the one. Cooler technology hasn't changed since the '50s, and frankly, it's time to mix things up, with a built-in blender perhaps? With the Coolest Cooler, it's actually possible!

The Coolest Cooler does way more than keep your drinks cold—this baby was meant to do it all. It comes packed with several cool features, such as an 18 volt rechargeable blender, waterproof bluetooth speaker, LED-lit storage, a USB charger, and so much more.

The cooler is currently being Kickstarted, and has already beaten its goal of $50,000 by raising over $6 million as of writing this article. You can preorder it on Kickstarter for $180 until August 29, 2014, with shipments beginning in February.

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