News: Quite Possibly the Best Lightsaber Replica Ever (This Is Not a Jedi Mind Trick)

Quite Possibly the Best Lightsaber Replica Ever (This Is Not a Jedi Mind Trick)

Bradley Lewis is a visual effects artist for BioWare by day, but in his spare time he runs Slothfurnace, a blog dedicated to showcasing his incredibly realistic lightsaber replicas.

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His latest, which took 18 months to build, is Obi-Wan Kenobi's Reveal Lightsaber from A New Hope. It was made with a real crystal, just like the movies, and has a Crystal Focus Saber Core designed by Plecter Labs which controls the light and sound.

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The blade is composed of 84 LED lights and powered by two 3.7 volt batteries. Lewis used a "string blade" design so that the saber is equally bright from top to bottom.

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He even weathered the parts to make it look like it's been through a battle or two.

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After all that hard work, here's the finished product.

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And finally, a video of the Reveal Lightsaber in action.

Want to know more? You can find a much more detailed version of Lewis's process on his blog.

Want your own lightsaber, but don't have 18 months to spare? Try out this DIY lightsaber made from scrap parts.

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