News: New Mobile App Lets You Order Food for Delivery Practically Anywhere, Even the Beach

New Mobile App Lets You Order Food for Delivery Practically Anywhere, Even the Beach

Chilling on the beach and want some grub? If you're starving and can't afford to lose those sun rays walking around for some lunch, have the food come to you instead!

A company called URGE is making it all possible. Since launching over three months ago in Miami, Florida, they've amassed over 75 participating local restaurants to give hungry customers what they want—wherever they want it. Thanks to your mobile phone's GPS system, all they have to do is track you down. You could be anywhere, even your favorite tanning spot on the beach.

Right now, it's only limited to the Miami, Florida area, but I'm sure this idea will spread to other hot tourist spots with plentiful beaches. If you're in Florida right now, you can download the free app for either your Android or iPhone.

The apps allow you to search for any available restaurants nearby that will deliver to your address or current GPS location. If you're in any kind of building, you're going to need to provide an actual address with room number (if applicable), to prevent confusing the hell out of your deliverer. And it probably goes without saying that you need to stay exactly where you are when you order your food using the GPS option. They're not going to follow you around town.

New Mobile App Lets You Order Food for Delivery Practically Anywhere, Even the Beach

You can also order food from their website at

The above video didn't really give a good walkthrough of the process involved. Actually, it didn't really say much at all, except that you can order with your feet in the sand. To see a more detailed video of what exactly is going on with URGE's GPS delivery service, check out their Flash demo.

It'll be interesting to see how URGE will expand. Florida isn't the only state with a beach!

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I own a business on the beach in new jersey , I also operate a snack

Let me know when you get to the jersey shore (Belmar) in particular ,also does it process CCards my e mail thx

That's a question you should ask URGE directly. Just click here to go to their website, then hit the "Contact" link at the bottom to get their email address and email them directly.

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