News: This Man Made a Playable Tetris Shirt for the Game's 30th Anniversary

This Man Made a Playable Tetris Shirt for the Game's 30th Anniversary

A man by the name of Marc Kerger is out to prove that he's the number one fan of the game TETRIS by building a playable TETRIS shirt for the game's 30th anniversary.

If you are unaware of the game TETRIS, then you were probably born after 2000 or never owned a classic Nokia. In either case, you surely missed out. TETRIS was a game of skill and patience, long before HALO and Assassin's Creed. This game was for real gamers.

Kerger is a programmer with some serious hardware skills, who just happened to have access to a 3D printer. Although his T-shirt is not available for purchase, it's still a fun fact knowing this piece of clothing exists.

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