General Discussion
Forum Thread: All my rar archives work greatly on computer
But I got an exception yesterday midday. When opening I saw strange message - CRC failed in the file name. The file is corrupt. I tried to apply in-built feature to fix rar from WinRAR company, but it couldn't aid me even a little.
Forum Thread: Valuable documents in archive
I packed many important documents into zip archive yesterday moon. Today I've remembered that I have to add something else. I opened my .zip and I saw a message: The Compressed Folder is invalid… I don't know how to fix damaged zip files or where to search any help. Pats, any suggestions...
Forum Thread: One-Wheel Motorcycle - Amazing Futuristic Invention
This cool motorcycle invention may seem like science fiction, but it's actually science fact. It's called the RYNO Microcycle, not motorcycle. Invented by Portland-based engineer Chris Hoffmann, this amazing one-wheeled Microcycle has become a reality.
Forum Thread: Futuristic Single Person Transportation Device
Many companies sell these hoverboard segway things such as IO Hawk , Phunkee Duck , and Monorover. Despite all the companies slapping their labels on this product, they are all basically the same thing.
Forum Thread: Nutans R - Wireless Waiter Calling System
This video provides a quick walkthrough to the evolutionary product in wireless waiting calling systems: Nutans R. At the touch of a few buttons, a customer can call for service, ask for a drink, request the bill, or cancel a previous request made.
Forum Thread: Hey there!
I just created a Google Gmail World, and was checking out related worlds. feel free to comment, join or just see what's new. Gmail world will probobly start off pretty slow at first, but we will hopefully expand soon. Thanks!
Forum Thread: how to convert different video files format
please help me in finding the solution for my question =======================